Friday, January 8, 2010

What to do.....what to do??

OK, I am into day 5 of eating healthy and I have kicked the sugar habit. The sugar withdraw headaches are gone and my appetite has lessoned. No food after 9, drinking tons of water, and eating natural foods. Now, what do I do?

One thing that I have to work into my schedule is exercise. When I begin a new routine, like exercise or tanning, I become addicted. The addiction to food is gone and I pick up another addiction. I chose not to begin exercising until the second week of a healthy Adrienne because I did not want to over sue myself. Going through sugar withdrawal is bad enough, but starting an exercise regiment at the same time, not a good idea. So.... this weekend I am beginning. I am hoping that my exercise schedule will consist of a light work out at 5:00am, before work and then a harder workout after work. When the weather is nicer, I will continue to take my 2-15 minute walks on my break and a 30-minute walk on my lunch. I am holding myself accountable for this to happen. I will begin with morning stretch and Slim in 6, to start out. I am ready for this. I have tons on clothes in my closet that I was able to fit in to a couple years ago, I envision myself back into those clothes by May.

The next issue that I have, what do I focus on? There are many diets and self-help books for anyone needed assistance with losing weight, which one is the right one? I love Jillian’s concept of her book, I just do not think that I am able to cut out EVERYTHING. Plastic bags, containers, bottles.... I just do not think that is realistic for me, right now. I am eating natural, organic foods.... I love the recipes, but I do not know if I can follow her word. I love Dr. Oz and his YOU on a diet.... I love that book. I also have another book that is called the 20/30 Diet, which is low fat and high fiber. I have had success with that before. There is Weight Watchers, Adkins, South Beach, Kimkins, and many more. My head is spinning from all of the options. Which one is right? So, I think that I am going to incorporate 3 books into my diet, which are, Jillian’s, Dr. Oz, and 20/30. I am all for healthy, organic, and natural foods. These types of foods taste better and are full of nutrients. Whole grains and high fiber foods are some of my favorite. Fruits and vegetables are the staples of any balanced diet. Dairy, I will keep at a minimum along with red meat. Natural, organic, high fiber, low fat, and daily exercise seems like the best option for me.

For breakfast today I ate Vanilla Kashi GoLean oatmeal, 1/2 of a grapefruit, 1/2 whole wheat bagel, and water.  I love oatmeal and it is very healthy.  Every breakfast is going to involve oatmeal!!!

My lunch was yummy as well.  I had a turkey burger, that was left over from last night.  Along with that, I had a salad and lentil soup.  YUMMY!!!!! 

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