Monday, January 4, 2010

Day #1.....The hardest day.

Today is day #1 for my new lifestyle.  I went to the grocery store, after dropping my son off at daycare, to pick up a few things for breakfast and lunch.  I want to focus on natural food and dark green veggies.  I would like to eat as organic as I can and water is my new bestfriend again.  Hello old friend.  After picking up 9 items, I realized that eating natural and organic is slightly more expensive than eating junk.  $18.87 for breakfast and lunch items, ok....I can do this.  After my trip to the grocery store, I was in deep thought as I drove to work.  Is $18.87 so expensive??  I got a can of soup that has two servings.  A spinach feta pouch which is one serving.  A single serving of strawberry greek yogurt.  A bottle of water, for the ride.  I will not make that mistake again....water from home.  A box of waffles that has 3 servings in it.  An assortment of veggies that will last 2-3 days, at work.  2 apples and 2 grapefruits.  The grapefruits are 4 servings.  So...I have breakfast for at least 3 days and snacks.  Not bad....I can afford this. 

There are many excuses that run through my mind on the first day.  One excuse is the cost of changing my eating habits.  The second excuse is that I ate good all day, I can blow dinner.  Another excuse that will run through my head tonight, I do not want to exercise because I have been working all day.  Not today....things are going to be different this time.  It is on!!!!!

For breakfast, I had 2 wonderful waffles from Kashi and a half of a grapefruit.

For lunch, I ate an Amy's Spinach Feta Pocket and Mild Chili with beans.

So good.  I will be checking in later.


  1. Keep it up! You are so well informed. Knowledge is the key to any success. Thinking of you. I need to start exercising SO badly. I don't really need to lose much weight, but I am so tired and lazy all the darn time. I know exercising would help me, but of course as you mentioned in your post, I always seem to find an excuse NOT to do it.

  2. Exercise is hard for me. I have the time, but Scott gets a little crabby when I am focused on something else for so long. I like when the weather is nice out, I can spend my breaks walking. 30 minutes a day of walking is all the Dr. Oz says a person needs. I am going to try Slim in 6 tonight.
