Thursday, February 18, 2010

Took a walk today.

Exercise is the hardest activity for me to begin. Once I get on the horse, there is no stopping. All it takes for me to begin an exercise regiment, I need to stand up and move. The weather is cold and snowy outside and the weather makes it easy to make excuses. "It is snowing." "It is too cold." One excuse after another has left my mouth. But today is different. On my 15-minute break I decided to take a walk. The walk may have only been 10 minutes but at least that it is a start. This afternoon, I intend to do the same thing.

Last night, I had a rough night. I was emotionally and mentally tired and drained. My son tested me every chance he got. I was ready to pull my hair out. Boyfriend was in his own world and doing his own thing. I made dinner and settled down in front of the television. Last night I made tacos with corn tortillas. The tacos were vegan and low fat. I made Fantastic Foods Taco Filling mix. The tacos were good. As I sat down watching The Young and the Restless, I felt guilty. Guilty for eating in front of the television, guilty for letting myself go throughout the last 3 years, and guilty for not moving from in front of the television. I believe that all of this guilt began when I was at church in the morning. I decided to go to church on Ash Wednesday because I want to be a better person. Sitting in church causes me to reflect on my life and on the decisions that I have made. Overall, my decisions have not been the best. Food is my friend and I love my friends. Exercise is like a diet. No one wants to do it, but it should be done. I have been eating healthier and making the right choices, but I believe that I need more. I need a diet. A strict diet with exercise incorporated.

I am going to continue to eat healthy, but I am going to track my calories, fat, and fiber. I am going to eat low calorie, low fat, and high fiber. I bought myself my notebook to keep a journal. The journal will involve motivation, my daily menu, and my feelings. Last night, I decided to print off pictures of me from when I lost a lot of weight. My face was thin, my legs were thin, and I looked better. My clothes were cute and I was happy to jump in every picture. I have constructed my journal with these pictures in it as a daily reminder of what I looked like and that I can do it again...all I need is a little motivation and support.

For breakfast this morning I ate two hard-boiled eggs and 3 oz of ham. I wrapped both of these ingredients in Boston lettuce leaves. For lunch, I made some mixed vegetable and chicken broth. I also made chicken wraps, made with chicken and lettuce leaves. Good lunch...forgot to take pictures!!!!

Here are a couple of pictures.  One is when I was lighter than I am now.

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